
Autumn on the island

1/10 to 31/10




Elba Island

This is perhaps the period of the year that we like the most, everything calms down, the earth begins its slow preparation for winter, it sheds its skin: the colours, the noises, the smells, everything takes on a different aspect. And so does the island, time expands there, the bays and ports, crowded throughout the summer, empty and nature takes back its spaces. The days, still warm from the sun, alternate between beautiful sailing and sunny bays and invite us to swim in crystal clear and clean water. Every stops on land show us ports and villages other than the summer ones and beautiful trekking in the autumn landscapes of Elba. All surrounded by great meals and evenings with friends!


Porto imbarco/sbarco Portoferraio
Durata weekend (2-3 giorni)
Miglia dipende dall'itinerario
Altri porti dipende dall'itinerario
Giorno imbarco/sbarco giovedì/venerdì - domenica
Orari imbarco alle 10:00 o alle 18:00 - sbarco entro le 18:00
Difficoltà facile - per tutti
Modalità di imbarco noleggia intera imbarcazione/richiedi disponibilità per imbarco alla cabina

tour map


Weekend breve (ven-dom) 1400€ intera imbarcazione - 200€ a persona
Weekend lungo (giov-dom) 1600€ intera imbarcazione - 240€ a persona
Sconti 10% prenotazione anticipata (almeno tre mesi prima)
incluso nel prezzo noleggio imbarcazione con skipper, assicurazione, tender motorizzato, servizio cucina, pulizie
spese extra cambusa, gasolio, marine
specifiche I prezzi per barca intera si intendono per 4 cabine doppie

What are you waiting for? get on board!

hurry up to book your holiday. places are limited.

Ask for information using the form below, we will let you know the remaining available dates as soon as possible.

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