
Go south!

31 to 3 (3 nights) – 4 to 10 (6 nights) – 14 to 17 (3 nights) – 21 to 24 (3 nights) – 28 to 1 (3 nights)

Elba Island







In September, we will resume with weekends on the Island of Elba, beautiful to admire in this off-season with still summer temperatures and days. In addition, the second week we will explore the extreme south of our archipelago, with two authentic works of art of nature: the Isola del Giglio and Giannutri.
Elba Island, the largest of the archipelago, with its 147 km of coastline where the most varied landscapes alternate with delightful villages and dreamy views! Or Giglio and Giannutri, also passing through Argentario and Elba, a truly complete week where we will combine navigation, nature, walks and culture!
Our base will be San Vincenzo, the marina just a few miles from the Island of Elba and easy to reach by car or train (the station is just a 5-minute walk from the port) and therefore the ideal starting point for our trips. The proximity and position of the islands allow us to range between several routes depending on weather conditions and preferences of the crew.


Embarkation/disembarkation port San Vincenzo
Duration Long weekend (3 nights and 3 days) - week (6 nights and 7 days)
Miles 50/150
Other ports (optionals) to decide between: Porto Azzurro, Marciana, Giglio porto, Porto Ercole
Embarkation/disembarkation day: Long weekend thursday/sunday - week monday/sunday
Timetable weekend boarding time 16:00/18:00 - disembarkation within 18:00
Timetable week boarding time 10:00/13:00 - disembarkation within 18:00
Difficult Easy
Embarkation mode hire entire boat / ask for availability for embarkation to the cabin

tour map


Long weekend Elba (31-3) 350€ for person - 2400€ whole boat
Week Giglio and Giannutri (4-10) 550€ for person - 3800€ whole boat
Long weekend Elba (14-17) 280€ for person - 1950€ whole boat
Long weekend Elba (21-24) 280€ for person - 19500€ whole boat
Long weekend Elba (28-1) 280€ for person - 1950€ whole boat
Discount 10% advance booking (at least three months in advance)
included in the price boat rental with skipper, insurance, motorized tender, final cleaning
extra costs galley, diesel, harbours
details Prices for whole boat are for 4 double cabins

What are you waiting for? get on board!

hurry up to book your holiday. places are limited.
Ask for information using the form below, we will let you know the remaining available dates as soon as possible.

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